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Black FE Leadership Group

Digitising an anti-racist practice toolkit for post-16 education

The challenge

The black FE leadership group developed a 10-point plan toolkit to enable organisations operating across the breadth of the post-16 Education and skills sector to audit their anti-racist practice. The toolkit was developed in a word processing document and wasn’t interactive, which meant updated versions had to be emailed out to everyone. They wanted the toolkit to be more interactive and easy to use on a range of platforms.

The solution

H2H Edu developed the toolkit in a creative and engaging way so that its contents and interactivity were embedded within a website. We provided a secure login area for members, admin rights so the BFELG admin team could add new members and easily also update content.

The results

A freshly designed platform that allows multiple users to login and use the toolkit securely. The BFELG have full autonomy of their website, they can edit user access and make rapid amendments whenever required.

Happy2host Education has been awesome to work with, acting as a sounding board, critical friend and technical problem-solver to help BFELG to create and promote our digital 10 Point Plan Diagnostic Toolkit to colleges and other agencies across the UK. The stunning quality of the final product, especially its interactive nature and usability has helped up to engage a large number of organisations in becoming affiliated partners with us. We would wholeheartedly endorse and recommend Lawrence and Happy2Host Edu to any potential client.
AMARJIT BASI | Exec Member

The *Black Further Education Leadership Group (BFELG) UK exists to challenge systemic racism in Further Education (FE) for the benefit of all *Black communities and the wider UK society as a whole, to be the authoritative voice of Anti-racism in the FE sector and to further the interests of Black students, staff and leaders. Our mission is to eradicate racism in FE; our vision is an anti-racist culture at the core of all aspects of FE life and work.